Preobrazhensky Park complex Photo: Preobrazhensky Park complex

Park "Transfiguration" in Abakan is one of the most beautiful places in the city. Green spaces, beautiful fountains, clean ponds, cozy benches and winding paths make this Park attractive not only for local residents but also for visitors to the city. The Park is located immediately after the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. Almost everyone Abakan has a photograph taken on the background of the Park fountain, through streams, one can see the Golden domes of the majestic Cathedral.

On the territory of the Transfiguration of the Park complex can visit the amazing Park of topiary art called "Gardens of dreams". Total area is 14 ha. it collected a lot of different decorative garden sculptures and presents different landscaping. Special attention of visitors the Park attracts rare trees, plants and exotic flowers. Of particular delight to the children and enjoy open-air cages with rabbits. Also at the Park there are many carefully executed sculptures that represent different parts of the earth. One of the attractions of the Park is a small copy of the world famous Eiffel tower.

In 2006 the Park was held the Grand opening of the architectural-Park complex with the statue of the "Good angel of Peace". The height of the statue 2, 5 m. At the basis of this architectural composition presents a kind of chronicle of philanthropy. On the commemorative plaques can be seen carved the names of 60 of the great philanthropists of the past: count Sheremetev, merchant Tretyakov, representatives of the dynasties Morozovs and Mammoth.

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