The Church of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God Photo: Church of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God

The Church of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God is one of the youngest churches of Brest. He still has the status of a temporary prayer space. The temple was founded in 1999 with the blessing of Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk Philaret in the new neighborhood Kovalevo in the South-West of Brest. The service started with the first day of the temple grounds. Temple Abbot – Archimandrite Ignatius (Alves).

At first services were held in the open air, however, the parishioners did not stop. They say that when in the unfinished Church at Christmas were already standing walls, but no floor, people standing on the ground. It was very cold, but no one left until after the festive service.

Tikhvin Church in Brest is the youngest and by the average age of parishioners. Here comes the youth, young married couples with children. The Church has Sunday school for children and the Orthodox Sisterhood.

About the enthusiasm and perseverance of parishioners became known far beyond the borders of Brest. Soon managed to raise money for a new altar and improvement of our lady of Tikhvin Church outside. Now the temple is almost completed. The dome of the Church plated, gold-plated technology, similar to the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Recently the Church of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God is very popular among honeymooners who seek to be married there. They say the young Church has a special sanctity, guarding peace, prosperity, and peace in families.

In the Cathedral there is a list of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God and the relics of many saints.

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