The Church Of San Francesco Photo: The Church Of San Francesco

The Church of San Francesco in Gaeta was founded by followers of St. Francis of Assisi in 1222, the year. Its construction generous donations supported king Charles II of Anjou dynasty, who was loyal to the precepts of St. Francis. Huge Gothic Church was completed in the 14th century. It consists of a Central nave with high ceilings, two lower side aisles, a square presbytery and the apse at the end. Like many other churches Gaeta, San Francesco was decorated with works of art between the 16th and 18th centuries. Inside buried some members of the aristocratic families of the city and members of the Spanish government.

After the invasion of the territory of the Peninsula of Napoleon, who decreed the dissolution of all religious orders and the closure of churches and monasteries, the Church of San Francesco began to decline. Even after the restoration work carried out from 1854 through 1858-th years under the guidance of architect Guarinello, the Church has for some time been abandoned. It is worth noting that the restoration of San Francesco was held under the patronage of the Italian Royal family, and it was attended by the same craftsmen who worked on the Church of San Francesco di Paola in Naples.

Small damage to the Church building suffered in the turbulent 1860-ies, when was the process of the unification of Italy, and during the Second World war San Francesco suffered much more greatly. Following restoration work was carried out in 1951-52-m years.

To get to the temple by the stairs on the upper deck which is enclosed by a railing, is a monument and which offers a Grand view of Gaeta and the Bay. In the center of the facade is a large portal with marble statues on the sides of Charles II of Naples and Ferdinand II. On the tympanum shows an allegory of the restoration of the papacy, and from left to right there are the statues of St. Bernard, Ambrose, Francis, Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. Inside the Church are a huge plaster statues of the Apostles, and on the top of the apse, of Christ the Redeemer. The decoration of San Francesco serves as the main altar, designed by Guarinello, and several paintings depicting saints and biblical scenes.

To the left of the Church stands a building which was once a former monastery. It preserved the cloister of the 14th century. A vast courtyard served as a site for recreation, which was even a football field.

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