Gdynia aquarium Photo: Gdynia aquarium

The Gdynia aquarium is a public aquarium and Maritime Museum at the National Institute of fisheries and fisheries in Gdynia. The aquarium has the status of a Zoological garden.

The Museum was opened on 21 June 1971, although attempts to create such institutions were made in the 30-ies of the twentieth century. The majority of living organisms for the Aquarium going to local scientists, merchant seamen. Since its opening, the Aquarium is constantly evolving, various exhibitions are held.

The Museum houses about 1,500 living organisms from all over the world, including 250 species of animals: 142 species of fish, 3 species of amphibians, 12 species of reptiles, 58 species of invertebrates. Among the most interesting inhabitants is part of the spotted shark and an electric eel. If you are lucky, you can become a witness of how a unique fish spitting water at a distance of fifty centimeters, to bring down their prey. Unhappy insect falls into the water and becomes a victim of this clever fish. Another attraction of the Aquarium is a living coral reef, located in the tank encosto liters. Here you can see dozens of species of hard corals, soft corals, and invertebrates, among which are the giant octopus.

In 2005, the Aquarium was opened cinema, and a laboratory equipped with modern microscopes for research. Currently, the Aquarium plans to expand the exhibition area.

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Gdynia aquarium