The Church Of The Holy Trinity (St. Roch) Photo: Holy Trinity Church (St. Roch)

The Church of the Holy Trinity (St. Roch) was built in 1864 by the academician of the Petersburg Academy of arts M. Siwicki instead of standing in his place of a wooden Church.

The Church of the Holy Trinity (St. Roch) on the Golden hill in Minsk several legends are connected. One legend concerns the occurrence of the name Golden hill – the place where stands the temple of the Holy Trinity. One day broke out in a terrible epidemic contagious disease. People were dying so quickly that they failed to bury. One of the parishioners, by profession a doctor, offered to build a Church in honour of St. Roch Catholic Saint who devoted his life to helping the sick with the plague and other contagious diseases. The doctor laid the cloak, where the congregation began to put donations: gold coins and jewels. As a result, on the cloak rose real gold hill.

The second legend tells that during the terrible epidemics of contagious disease was raging in Minsk, one of the townspeople Catholics had a dream in which he was approached St. Roch and said that his statue is in the temple of God. The statue really was discovered, purified, and was carried throughout Minsk in solemn procession. Then the statue was installed in the Church of St. Roch on the Golden Hill. As the epidemic was stopped, the statue was considered to be miraculous.

The first Church of St. Roch was wooden. It was destroyed in the great fire of 1908. In 1814 the priest-Horovice was received from the Minsk authorities for permission to build a new stone Church, but the money for the project is not enough. Finally the Church was rebuilt only in 1864.

The newly rebuilt Church of the Holy Trinity (St. Roch) has become very popular and prospered. Near it was organized an orphanage, a school for organists, worship was held not only in Polish but also in English language.

The Church was severely damaged during the great Patriotic war. After the war he stood in ruins. Renovations have been carried out only in 1983, after which it was turned into a concert hall chamber music of the Belarusian state Philharmonic society. Catholic Church the Church was passed in 1991, it has resumed regular service.

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