Villa Julia Photo: Villa Giulia

Villa Giulia, also known as Villa del Popolo, is a city Park in Palermo, located to the East of the Botanical garden. The Park was created on the initiative of the local magistrate Antonio La groix, the Marquis Regalice, in 1777, and the full completion of construction works took place a year later. In 1866 the territory of the Park was increased. Designed by nicolò Palma and named in honor of Julia d'avalos, the wife of the then Viceroy of Mark Antony Columns, he became the first public Park in Palermo.

Majestic entrance gate with Doric columns, overlooking the promenade of the Foro Italico, executed in the neoclassical style. However, they are always closed and therefore cannot be used to enter the Park. Other gates leading from the street via Lincoln – less presentable. In the heart of the Villa is dvenadtsatigrannaya fountain, which is a sculpture in the form of a marble clock, created by the mathematician Lorenzo Federici, each of the 12 faces is a Sunny watch. And rest this watch on the shoulders of Atlanta, made by the sculptor Ignazio Marabotti, and there are a wide variety of metal sculptures. Near the fountain you can see four Exedra – deep semicircular niches, designed by Giuseppe Damiani Almeida for use during musical performances. The entire Central area of the Park was originally intended for theatrical and entertainment productions.

Also at the Park once housed four recreation areas, of which only two survived. Alleys of the Park is decorated with various busts of famous historical persons Palermo. In addition, it is worth noting marble sculptural composition "the Fountain of the spirit in the Villa Giulia", depicting the so-called spirit Palermo is an ancient deity of the city. The fountain was created in 1778 Ignazio Marabotti.

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