Romanesque churches in the Vall de Boi Photo Romanesque churches in the Vall de Boi

A few small villages on the territory of the Val de Boi, located among the Pyrenean peaks and belonging to the Autonomous community of Catalonia, there are nine beautiful churches built in the Romanesque style. Set amidst nature's incredible beauty of these churches in 2000 joined the list of UNESCO world heritage site and was designated a national historical and architectural monuments of Spain. The list includes the following nine churches: the Church of San Felix in the village of Barruera, the Church of San Juan de Battle in the village of Battle, the Church of Santa Maria and San Clemente in Tuelle, the Hermitage of Sant kirk and the Church of the Nativity in Durro, the Church of Santa Eulalia in Anril La Vall and Church of Santa Maria de La Asuncion in Colle and the Basilica of Santa Maria, located in the village Cardet.

Romanesque churches of the Vall de Boi were erected and consecrated in the early 12th century. Time miraculously hardly touched the impressive buildings of these churches through the centuries they have managed to preserve and convey to us their images almost unchanged. Stone, its powerful and majestic architecture, so characteristic of the architecture of the Romanesque period, these churches resemble fortresses. Internal walls all nine churches decorated with beautiful original frescoes, Dating from about 1123 year. Murals have been partially restored and today they are considered among the best of that period.

In addition, I want to add that the gorgeous nature of the area and a charming, unique flavor, typical Spanish villages immediately impress even the most experienced traveler who decides to visit these amazing places and to get acquainted with the architecture of the old Romanesque churches.

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Romanesque churches in the Vall de Boi
Aigüestortes national Park