The monument to Marshal Joseph Gallieni Photo: the Monument to Marshal Joseph Gallieni

The monument to Marshal of France Joseph Gallieni is on place Vauban. Name Gallieni not too known in Russia, but for the Parisians, it was a symbol of courage and hope. No wonder on the pedestal of the monument is written: "Joseph Gallieni – Paris".

Joseph Simon Gallieni graduated from the military Academy of Saint-Cyr, he served in the colonial troops. Was Governor of Madagascar. In April 1914 he retired for health reasons, he lived in his estate. The veteran was already 65 years old.

7 August 1914 Anglo-French part lost the edge battle with German troops. The Germans dealt a blow to bypass Paris. Commander-in-chief Joffre believed that we needed to take Paris and the Seine to impose upon the enemy the decisive battle.

The war Minister of Messimy demanded Joffre create an army for the defence of the capital, but he remained silent. Then the Minister called Gallieni and appointed him military Governor of Paris. The composition of the garrison of the capital was transferred to the army of General Manure. The government left the city. Responsible for the capital of France rests on the elderly, the terminally ill person.

Old soldiers showed courage, energy and foresight. Established a reconnaissance. The radio station at the Eiffel tower led intercept German messages. Around Paris were digging trenches, equipped with artillery positions – the capital turned into a fortress. Realizing the possibility of its collapse, the commandant ordered mine some of the objects, including the Eiffel tower.

Gallieni was the first to realize that the Germans refused the terms of the coverage of Paris and turned East to take in the jaws of the French army. Thus, they framed his flank under attack. Gallieni insisted on the strike forces of the army of Manure. Joffre waited. British allies, which Gallieni was hoping to convince you do not have to talk to the tired old man in spectacles. And then the commandant of Paris began to move troops, without waiting for orders. Turned the battle of the Marne. In his critical moment Gallieni managed the day to throw from Paris 6000 fresh soldiers mobilized through Parisian taxi – the Germans retreated.

Paris resist. In 1916 Gallieni again retired and died. In 1921 he was posthumously awarded the title of Marshal of France.

The monument to Marshal delivered at place Vauban in 1926 (the author is the sculptor Jean Boucher). The area in front of the Invalides, the burial place of the great warriors of France was a fitting place for a monument to the man who saved Paris.

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