The Salvador Dali Museum Photo: The Salvador Dali Museum

Paris Salvador Dali Museum is the largest in France collection of works by the famous surrealist. There are more than three hundred of his works – paintings, sculptures, original prints. No wonder the Museum's name translates from French as "the Space Gave".

The Spaniard (though in Spain it is considered a Catalan) El Salvador Domenech Felip Jacint Dalí, Marquis de Pubol – one of the greatest masters of the twentieth century. With Paris it is linked to the decades of creativity, close communication with such geniuses like Pablo Picasso, buñuel, and the love of my life – wife Gala (Elena Dyakonova, ex-wife of the poet Paul Eluard).

Arriving in Paris for the first time in 1926, highly prone to provocation and outrage, Salvador Dali organically joined to the Metropolitan Bohemia. In 1929 he joined the surrealist group by andré Breton. Seven years later, after coming to power in Spain Caudillo Franco, the artist had a fight with a group standing on the left-wing positions. When he was expelled from the community, Dalí said: "Surrealism is me". And it was true.

Dali lived and worked in France, then in Spain, in the United States. His scandalous creativity evolved: visiting Italy, he turned to academia, although the paintings were still full of surreal fantasies. In 1965 he returned to Paris and again conquered the city is brilliant and insane actions. He was walking along the Champs Elysees, anteater on the chain, removed the bizarre short films, developed product brands, drew a wrapper for Chupa-Chups.

The collection of the Salvador Dali Museum are sculptures and engravings genius of surrealism. Here is exhibited a complete set of engravings by the master, signed by him personally. Here is a collection of his sculptures is one of the most complete. Exhibited, for example, of incredible proportions "Space elephant", the amazing "Alice in Wonderland", "don Quixote". Inspection of works is accompanied by a phantasmagoric music and the voice of the master himself. Besides the permanent exhibition, there are themed exhibitions, allowing you to explore other facets of the talent of the artist: Dali and fashion, holograms painter, his jewelry. There is a Museum and creative workshops with the world of the great surrealist meet the children.

The Museum is somewhat similar to Salvador Dali: he is bright, flamboyant and theatrical.

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