Museum-apartment of Lenin Photo: the Museum-apartment of Lenin

The Museum-apartment of Lenin in Pskov is a historical place related to his life and work. Located in the former house of the merchant Chernoff, in the apartment of the pharmacist Lori, III floor, where in 1900 Lenin rented a room. After a Siberian exile, the authorities banned Lenin accommodation in the capital, a major industrial and University cities. He decided to choose the city of Pskov, which was supposed to organize the first all-Russian political newspaper "Iskra" and form a group of allies in its distribution. Lenin spent in Pskov almost 3 months.

Collection of materials about Lenin in Pskov was started in 1924. This decision was made by the public, who wished to open a Museum of the Revolution with the section dedicated to the famous leader of the proletariat. The Museum was initially housed in the provincial historical Museum (March, 1925), and on January 22, 1930 to the visitors room was opened by V. I. Lenin, where he lived. This date is the opening day of the apartment-Museum of Lenin in Pskov.

The first Museum exhibition contains 120 photographs on the life and work of great leader, was presented to his small bust. In the mid-1930s, it has been possible to collect the original items and restore household furnishing. In January 1936 the apartment was transferred to the Museum of the Revolution. During the great Patriotic war the Museum was destroyed, and the exposure is irretrievably lost. In 1954, the restoration works were completed. The apartment-Museum were given 3 rooms: memorial and two – for documents. In 1970, the 100th anniversary since the birth of Vladimir Lenin, was recreated layout of the apartment. In the exposition appeared household environment and genuine things of the Ulyanov family.

Now in the Museum you can learn about the stay of Lenin in the Pskov region in 1900, to consider memorial things of the Ulyanov family and the interior of a city apartment early XX century, to hear the story of Pskov in the late XIX – early XX centuries (houses, streets, occupations of the city).

In I the exhibition hall presents the socio-economic situation in the Pskov province before coming to Pskov Vladimir Lenin (1900). The backbone of the economy of the province at that time was Pskov flax, and sightseers will be able to see the instruments of the processing of flax and linen products.

II hall contains exhibits on finding Lenin in exile in the village of Shushenskoe, Siberia, and about his desire to elect after the end of the link Pskov to stay. This fact is confirmed by the Lenin autograph of letter to A. N. Potresov: "Dreaming of Pskov".

III hall opens with a portrait of Vladimir Lenin (1900) and old photographs of Pskov made by the leader on his arrival in the city. Here you can see a copy of the Draft statement of the editors of "Iskra" and "Dawn" written in it.

In the IV room presents postcards and letters to family written by Vladimir Lenin in Pskov. In addition, there are exhibitions "Women leader" with portraits and information about his wife, mother and sisters. In separate Windows, you can see things and costumes of the inhabitants of Pskov in the late XIX – early XX centuries.

In the center of the V hall organized a set of "Living room in the apartment the resident of Pskov in the late XIX – early XX centuries". Also here are the books that accompanied Lenin on his travels, and road basket of the Ulyanov family in which these books were transported.

The apartment has recreated the interior hallway. Here can be considered typical things of late XIX – early XX centuries, and, in addition, the chair of Lenin's Kremlin apartment and trunk of the Ulyanov family. In the apartment there is a memorial room, which in 1900 were held by the family of the pharmacist K. V. Lorii. Here is a bed, Desk, sofa, chairs, clothes and other things of that time. It is in this room from 20 March to 1 June 1900 he lived, VI Lenin.

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