The Castle Of Issogne Photo: Castle Of Issogne

The castle of Issogne, standing on the right Bank of the river Dora Baltea in the town of Issogne, is one of the most famous estates of all of the Italian region of Val d'aosta. This aristocratic residence of the Renaissance is very different in appearance from quite ascetic Castello di Verrès, standing on the opposite Bank of the river. The main attractions of Castello di Issogne are its fountain in the shape of a pomegranate and richly decorated portico with rare examples of medieval Alpine painting and a fresco cycle depicting scenes from the daily life of the late middle Ages.

The first mention of the castle of Issogne are 1151-th year – then it was a fortified building owned by the Bishop of Aosta. While some parts of the walls, discovered in the cellars of the castle, can be fragments of a Roman Villa of the 1st century BC.e. In 1333, the year tensions between the Bishop of Aosta and the family of De Verrechia, the rulers of the town of Verrès, has reached its limit, and the Castello di Issogne, was attacked and severely damaged during the fire. In 1379, the year the castle became the property of the Governor Verres Ibleto di Challans. He turned the Bishop's fortress in an elegant residence in the Gothic style with a number of towers and office space. In the 15th century through the construction of new buildings, the castle took the form of a horseshoe with a courtyard in the center. It was then made stage sets of the portico and the aforementioned fountain in the shape of a pomegranate. Then, until the beginning of the 19th century, the castle passed from hand to hand, but remained the property of one family - Challans, until in 1802, the year died last representative of the genus. Castello di Issogne, by the time for several years was in ruins, and it fell into disrepair. Only in the late 19th-century Turin, the artist Vittorio Avondo, who bought the castle, restored it and re-furnished antique furniture. In 1907, the year of Avondo gave the castle to the government of Italy, and in 1948, the year he became the property of the government of the Autonomous region of Val d'aosta. Today the Castello di Issogne is open to visitors.

Inner courtyard of the Castello di Issogne, with three sides bounded by buildings and on the fourth garden, forms one of the most interesting spaces of the castle. You can get to it through the entrance on the West side. The facades of the castle, facing the courtyard, decorated with frescoes depicting the heraldic emblems of the various branches of the family Challans. In the centre is the fountain of octagonal stone bowl "grows" pomegranate, made of wrought iron. The unusual leaves of the tree do not belong to the grenade, and the oak tree, and between them is placed a tiny dragonflies.

In the Eastern part of the courtyard is the famous portico with round arches and groin vaults. It was carried out the front entrance of the castle. Just the Castello di Issogne, there are about 50 rooms, although only 10 of them are open to tourists. The first floor has a dining room with furniture from the 19th century, the kitchen is separated by a wooden lattice into two parts, the so-called "hall of justice", entirely frescoed and decorated with marble columns, an infirmary and offices. On the second floor, accessed by a stone spiral staircase, rooms are owners of the castle and a small chapel. Finally, on the third floor you can see the room, known as the "Camera di San Maurizio", with a large stone fireplace, private little chapel Giorgio di Challans, the so-called "Hall of the king of France", which in the 15th century it was visited by king Charles VIII, "Tower Room" and the "little Countess".

In the East wing of the Castello di Issogne, closed to the public, is a covered gallery with groin vaults. Legend has it that on moonlit nights on the roof of the gallery you can see the Ghost of Bianca Maria Gaspardone, first spouses Renato di Challans, sentenced to death for the murder of his lover and executed in 1526, the year.

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