The Mausoleum Of Mao Zedong Photo: Mausoleum Of Mao Zedong

The mausoleum of Mao Zedong is located on Tiananmen square, in the heart of Beijing. Build the mausoleum volunteers. Mausoleums similar to this, only three in the world: the tomb of Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang; the Lenin mausoleum in Moscow; the tomb of Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi. All these tombs are relics of the leaders of the socialist countries.

Mao Zedon died in September 1976, and after only two months after his death, began the construction of the tomb. The volunteers who organized the construction of the building, were combined into brigades and brigades, divided between the duties and organized the labor process. The mausoleum was built in August 1977, and the opening ceremony of the quarters of the leader Mao was appointed on 9 September, the day of death Zedong.

The mausoleum is constructed in such a way as to be visible from everywhere in Beijing. The building of the mausoleum will learn all the tourists, it is listed as the main reference point in many guidebooks. Above the entrance to the tomb hangs marble white Board that says that this is "House of the memory of the chair. The roof of the mausoleum is made in the traditional Chinese "pagoda" style and painted in red. Her back 44 columns are octagonal in shape, consisting of yellow granite Fujian.

The mausoleum is surrounded by sculptures, each sculpture is a symbol. The first song is dedicated to the Democratic revolution. The second Socialist construction. At the entrance to the Mausoleum from the South side there are sculptural groups – the farmer, the engineer, children, scientist, military, etc.

Inside the premises of the mausoleum is divided into three parts: the first is a spacious hall in the middle of which is a monument to Mao. At the same time in this room can seat about 600 people. For sculpture hanging canvas-Gobelin tapestry, size x meters. Power of the leader are stored in the Central hall. They embalmed and wrapped in a Chinese flag. A coffin made entirely of crystal. The third room holds works by Mao Zadoom, for example, a poem he wrote. Poem rewritten by the hands of a skilled calligrapher of the 20th century.

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