Peter and Paul Church in the Wyrm Photo: Peter and Paul Church in the Wyrm

The wyrm is an old village, which is located in Belomorsky district of the Karelian Republic on the coast of the White sea. This place is especially famous for its unique monument – the Church of the apostles Peter and Paul. The Church was built in the 17th century.

It is known that a sufficiently long time, the village of Virma was part of the estates of the famous Marfa-posadnitsa. The Barony has a leading position among the Novgorod feudal lords on the territorial sizes of holdings in Karelia. But soon after the falling of Bardini in Novgorod all ownership of the boyars were seized. It has since reached us the first mention of the temple, the first priest of whom was John Sorokin. What was this Church is hard to say, we only know that she was a forerunner of Peter and Paul's Church. Considered Peter and Paul Church was built no earlier than 1625.

The appearance of the Church is striking in its plastic wealth, which contrasts beautifully with the surrounding scanty nature. The quadrangle is the Central room of the temple, which is crowned with five domes cube and unusual coating in the form of a shallow hipped roof with curved faces, and at the top is the Central Chapter. With the Eastern part of the quadrangle of the Church adjacent five-wall altar, which is covered with a barrel; from the West are canopy and a refectory.

With regard to the form of coverage of the Peter and Paul Church he belongs to Indigo type encountered and widely spread in the Russian North in the 17th century. There are several reasons that have influenced the emergence of such an ornate and intricate coatings. One of them is the prohibition of Patriarch Nikon in the construction of the tent churches. This hypothesis can be confirmed by the fact that previously lost the Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, which was located in the village of Shueretskoe and which was built in 1666, had only one Glaucus, which was crowned by an elongated cube that resembles a tent. In addition, the emergence of sophisticated forms of painting coating and contributed new decorative trends that touched art in the 17th century. Low bushel, a little rough cube and especially the massive Central Chapter say about the antiquity of this Church.

Peter and Paul Church come to modern time is not in its original form. As the greatest number of monuments of wooden architecture of Russian North, during the operation she had undergone a considerable number of reconstructions that were combined with all sorts of repairs, reflecting different periods of construction and architectural trends. First repair the Church building was moved during the period 1635-1639,. This was followed by the restructuring of a half-century later. In addition, there is an assumption that the Church re-consecrated, because at that time could not affect the temple of the consequences of the incursions of the Swedes, and reinstall Windows and transoms of the iconostasis due to the mismatch of the new Church canons. In 1842 Peter and Paul Church was first painted with ochre; in 1874 the Church was repainted white and upholstered with new Wallpaper indoors; in 1893 the Church was also subject to minor changes regarding whitewashing and covering TES.

A considerable number of alterations could not cause damage to the internal and external decoration of the Church, the more that reliable traces from the Western part are almost lost. Suffered greatly plating Northern wall of the Central column.

Very constructive decision of the Church and of the altar is the traditional walls made of logs with a diameter of 36 cm and a flattened inner portion by more than half; the logs have rounded edges and in the upper part gradually expanding. In the attic of the main room can take an inside look at the design of the cube, which is crowned by the Church. Cube hewn from logs with gaps and rests on Selivanova square that is cut in the outer wall of the Church at the level height falls. This construction is very stable thanks to the timbered walls, intersecting at right angles.

With regard to the spiritual heritage of the Church, according to historical data, transoms iconostasis of St. Peter and Paul Church consisted of four iconic tiers of the 17th century, and the iconostasis dates back to the year 1625.

Peter and Paul Church is the result of a difficult quest, as well as the joyful discovery of the master architects of ancient times.

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