The memorial complex and Museum, Photo: the Memorial complex and Museum, "Ostraca, 1941"

In the vicinity of the village of Ostraca, which is near Tikhvin district, stands a memorial dedicated to the fallen in the great Patriotic war soldiers. Under the memorial are the graves of 600 soldiers. According to tradition, every year on may 9 from this point begins a run, passing the town of Boksitogorsk, then here come the participants of the blockade and war veterans from nearby villages.

The discovery of the remains occurred in the winter of 1968 during the reclamation work. It turned out that the soldiers fought for the town. The burial of bodies found decided to produce on the outskirts of the village, on the territory of which in the autumn of 1941 was held defense – in a place where already there was a mass grave. At this place on the occasion of the Victory in 1969 was held mourning ceremony; through the year, the Memorial complex was opened.

According to historical records, the village of Estrace became an insurmountable obstacle to German troops in the autumn of 1941. In late autumn the Germans were able to capture the town is an ancient Russian city on the territory of which took place the bloody battle that played a huge role in the life of Leningrad. After the capture of that city by the fascist troops were going to move to Leningrad, which was only 100 km away. the Plan was that completely block the road across lake Ladoga, then the city would be in a closed ring.

Based on the calculations of the Nazis, was fiercely wage war for Moscow, because they will not be able to allocate the required number of soldiers for the protection of Leningrad. But the plan went wrong when the Soviet command had abandoned all efforts to interrupt the path of the enemy in Tikhvin. The commander of the troops was appointed General K. A. Meretskov.

In November 1941 in the district Estrace reinforcements arrived from Moscow under the leadership of P. K. Koshevoy Also here was directed 46th brigade under the leadership of V. A. Kaptsov and Hero of the Soviet Union. After all the forces were assembled and the plan of action provides, on November 19, was given orders for an immediate attack.

During the attack, many soldiers gave their lives for their Motherland. Among such people was and secretaries of the committees of Boksitogorsk peat and plant bauxite mine Zhukov and Ivan Kostenko V., as well as employees of the alumina refinery, including Smirnova I. P.. In a difficult battle near the village of Estrace proved his prowess fighters Soviet artillery regiment. The incredible bravery shown by Manakov Ildar, which in serious condition continued to advance, covering a batters fascists of our troops. For his exploits, Mannov Ildar received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Fearlessly on the battlefield was acting Lieutenant of the artillery regiment Petrusak V. K., who secretly snuck into the enemy's rear, and then adjust the direction of the fire on the bunkers and enemy forces. Petrusak all night unnoticed and only on the morning he returned to his troops, but was mortally wounded.

Winter December 5, began a decisive battle for the town. The battles near the village of Estrace completely turned the tide in the battle for the city. According to the results of offensive operations troops were thrown away over the river Volkhov that thwarted Hitler's plans for education of the siege ring, thereby capturing Leningrad, and after moving to Moscow.

In 1975 near the memorial began its work the Museum of military glory "Ostraca, 1941". The Museum is housed in a preserved during the war the building previously existing schools for primary school built before 1917. School corner has become a Central part of the Museum, in which students collect all found since the war things. Of great importance was the so-called "red pathfinders" - secondary school students in the city of Basketwork, as well as students of schools of Tikhvin district.

In the first period of its existence the Museum of Ostraca, 1941" worked only on a voluntary basis, but after a time he became one of the branches of the regional Museum in the town of Pikalyovo, then since 2001, is a branch of the middle region state cultural institution "Museum Agency".

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