Piously-Nikolsky Church in the village of sitovo Photo: St. Nikita Church in the village of sitovo

Piously-Nikolsky Church in the small village of sitovo is one of the oldest wooden churches in the territory of Belarus. She was already more than 500 years.

The Church stands on the right Bank of the Mukhavets river. It was built by John Surinam in memory of his father Nikita in 1502. Nikita Gurin was a warrior of Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander Jagellonica, distinguished himself in numerous battles for his Prince and state, but in one battle was lost. In memory and thanks to Nikita, Alexander Jagiellonczyk gave his heir John, sitovo.

Great Martyr Nikita, after whom the Church was built, was Gothic warrior and one of the first Christians, have been baptized in the Byzantine Empire. He was remarkable for piety and preached that Christians were not afraid of martyrdom at the hands of the Gentiles.

Of course, during its five centuries of existence, the Church has known many repairs. Her icons are darkened. Looking at them felt all the antiquity of this Holy temple, which spared even Soviet officials. The Church has never in its long history has not been closed.

Wooden Church built in the tradition of architecture typical of Western Polessye. The government of the Republic of Belarus has made this Church in the lists of sites that are eligible for inclusion in the world Heritage Fund of UNESCO.

Three centuries of the Church in sitovo funeral of the father of the famous leader of the national liberation movement of Tadeusz Kosciuszko Colonel Ludwig Kosciuszko Nejnovejsiho.

The Church of St. Nikita in sitovo with two-story bell tower blends with the surrounding landscape and gives the impression of peace and tranquility.

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