The tower of Kamenets Photo: the tower of Kamenets

The Kamenets tower is a monument of the Romanesque style, donjon Volyn type, built in 1271-1288 years. Donjon – high impregnable tower, the last defense of the feudal castle. These towers were designed for a long siege, so included and accommodation and food stores, and ammunition.

The Kamenets tower was built on the high Bank of the deep river Forest. The design and location of the tower made it virtually impregnable. The tower was built a circular firing bows for considerable distances, and the enemies could not come close to its walls.

At this place, called in the XIII century, Brest, constantly fought, as all sides it was surrounded by greedy neighbors: Russia, Lithuania and Mazovia. Berestye was owned by the Galicia-Volyn princes.

Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich decided to strengthen the border and built several watchtowers. To this day preserved only Kamenetz. The exact date of construction of the tower is unknown, but the first mention of the city of Kamenetz, who grew up around the tower, found in the Ipatiev chronicle, "And olubi place it above the Bank of the river Lysne and thereby e and then battling off on it the city and narce his name Kaminari Zane fast land Kamena".

The height of the tower 29, 4 meters. It is arranged in five tiers. The outer diameter of the tower 13, 5 meters. The thickness of the walls 2, 5 meters.

In 1960 the Kamenets tower was declared a historical monument, renovated inside her and organized a branch of the Museum of Ethnography. Part of the Museum's exhibits appeared after archaeological excavations in 1970 under the leadership of M. A. Tkachev. Other exhibits tell about the history of the Kamenets region and the construction of the tower.

Now Kamenets tower was not only interesting tourist attraction and Museum, but also a center that organizes medieval festivals and reconstruction of historical battles.

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