Youth theatre plastics and drama Photo: Youth theatre plastics and drama "Sign"

Youth theater collective called the "Sign" was founded in 1985 when the city House of culture "ammophos". The basis for creating a young team was a drama Studio, which was formed in 1983 at the music College named after I. E. Filimonova in the city of Cherepovets. Theatrical work of the team is built according to the principle of the Studio theatre, when actors get most diversified training, for example, speech, acting, plastic, singing, dancing.

Over the years of its existence the theatre "Badge" distinguished himself as an original and distinctive team that resides in active creative search. Literally every work of the "Sign" can be called a kind of experiment in which connects synthesized and pantomime, dramatic art, word, music, dance, vocal. For this reason, in 1988 the youth theatre received the title of "folk". In the course of his career, the theatre has staged: "Alternative" – performance with the use of poetry, "Danish ballads" – a play based on the Danish medieval epic, "Eastern mystery" – statement in the traditions of Eastern culture, "Sacrament" – a statement based on the Scandinavian epic, "Genesis" is an activity of synthesizing the word, pantomime, and vocal, and raising relevant philosophical topics. Due to the fact that all the actors of the theatre "Sign" have a fairly wide range of emotional and expressive means, they have a lot of and fruitfully on a small stage or concert performances with the active use of stage movement, choreography, and plastics. For all their continued existence has been a slow development and creative development, as well as the transition from theatrical form plastics and theatre in the form of drama.

At the moment in the theatrical repertoire of the "Sign" includes performances of: "the adventures of Pinocchio based on the tale by Tolstoy And., "The frog Princess" on the story Sokolova G.That "Bunny-Squirt" on the play Mikhalkov With., "Morozko", "all Sorts of tricks" by Chekhov And.P. and many others. Actors theatre of drama and sculpture, "Badge" fruitfully participate in all show programs and performances GDK "ammophos". In the 1994-1995 season of the year was staged by the stories Shergin B. "Tales about Shishe Moscow" in style farcical representation. The following year was delivered a solo performance of "Isadora" about the tragic and truly wonderful the fate of the famous dancer Isadora Duncan. Setting features gentle, but precise penetration into the spiritual experiences of a woman's soul, her exact study, built on the autobiographical accounts of the Isadora and the monodrama Suhanova W. Literally every work of the youth theatre team makes such an obvious professional, career and creative growth of the "Sign" that every year more and more improving her acting skills.

The theatre has a wide range of concerts. He performs at various concert venues: the courtyards, streets, town squares, parks of culture and recreation, and the sports Palace, dormitories, recreation centers and military units. The creative team takes part in public events of the city such as city Day, day street, district day, winter, youth Day, Christmas and many others. In addition, the "Sign" participated in theatre festivals in Moscow, Vologda, Chelyabinsk.

In 1994 the theatre with great success performed at the international theatre festival of professional theatres under the title "From classic to modern" in the Russian capital, where he presented on display his new concert program "MIME-parade. This work has received extremely high marks from the jury. Youth theatre "Sign" was the best all-Union festival of pantomime in the city of Chelyabinsk in 1989, and at theater festivals in the city of Vologda. At each of the festivals noted the high professionalism of the actors and the quality of all submitted productions.

In 2000, the theatre celebrated the 15th anniversary of its work, during which it achieved real skill and acquired a unique creative meeting productions.

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