The Church Of St. Blaise Photo: Church Of St. Blaise

The Church Of St. Blaise dedicated to the patron Saint of Dubrovnik, St. Blaise. This Church I love to visit both tourists and locals.

The present building of the Church. Blaise was built in the early 18th century by the architect from Venice Marina Grapelli on the place of an older Romanesque Church, has suffered greatly in the earthquake that occurred in 1667, and was burned down during the fire of 1706.

The construction of the Church. Blaise was completed in 1714. The Church is designed in the Baroque style. The Central volume of the Church is crowned by a huge dome. Central facade are sculptures of St. Blaise, as well as other saints. A feature of the Church are the stained glass Windows, giving the interior space of the Church the unusual lighting. Among tourists is very popular Central staircase as a place where you can sit and rest.

The Church interior is richly and elegantly decorated, where you can see skillful sculpture of St. Blaise, in whose hands is the model of Dubrovnik in the middle ages. This statue survived the fire that destroyed the Romanesque Church. Now this is gold plated, made of silver sculpture is part of the Central altar. Near the altar is an organ, surrounded by paintings framed in gilt depicting saints.

The Church is located at the end of the street Stradun in old Dubrovnik, near it traditionally begin and/or end city celebrations and festivals.

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