Gatchina Palace Photo: Gatchina Palace

The Grand Palace in Gatchina was founded in 1766, when the Gatchina estate belonged to count Grigory Orlov. The author of the project of the famous architect Antonio Rinaldi, decided to build a Palace in a hunting castle with towers and an underground passage. The main building of the Palace was connected by a semicircular open galleries service buildings - Kitchen and Stable squares. Outside the Palace was lined with local stone.

Later, the Gatchina Palace was rebuilt under the direction of architect V. Brenna - according to the tastes and inclinations of Paul. Through the arch to enter the Park and the gaps between the marble columns on the open galleries were laid, and the service building is built. Meadow in front of the facade of the Palace turned into a parade ground, which was enclosed Bastion wall; dug and filled with water ditch, through which threw four lifting bridge.

The interiors of the Palace were rebuilt. On the first floor of the main building housed the private rooms of Paul, which now represent a brilliant sample of residential interiors of the XVIII century. In place of the two rooms of the Palace was created Marble dining-room, which was decorated with sixteen columns of Carrara marble and bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Dionysus, the Greek God of wine. Related with Marble dining room - Throne of Paul I is arranged in place of the Cabinet of count Orlov. Special decoration of the Throne was the flooring with a gorgeous picture full of different kinds of wood. White hall, intended for special events, was decorated with marble bas-reliefs and sculptures, some of which was installed in orlová.

The horse block space, rebuilt by Vincenzo Brenna, were arranged in a theatre, library and Arsenal. The latter is associated with the new name of the square - it was called the Arsenal. In the right the half-circle connecting the Arsenal block with the main building, was arranged by the Greek gallery, in the left half-circle, one that led to the Kitchen block, weapons and Chesma gallery. In the Armoury gallery has posted a collection of ancient weapons, in Chesma - three huge paintings by the artist F. Hackert with episodes Chesmensky battle.

In 1845 the Palace again began to rebuild. At this time the rebuilding of the Palace was entrusted to the architect R. Kuzmin, who was to refurbish the main building of the Palace and to increase the number of dwellings for the Imperial family. Project Kuzmina service corps - caret - were built to the height of the galleries. The Arsenal block housed the apartments of Nicholas I. To the interiors of the Palace Kuzmin added Front lobby, Marble staircase, Chinese and Gothic gallery.

After the October revolution in Gatchina Palace became a state Museum, which housed about 54 thousand valuable exhibits. During the great Patriotic war through the efforts of the Museum staff managed to save about one-fifth of these values. The Palace itself was badly damaged by bombing, and the interior was almost completely lost.

Gatchina parks and gardens scenic layout with the rich and diverse vegetation, planted by distinguishing shades of leaves and pine needles. In the parks - numerous bridges, terraces, spectacular stone staircase, the pavilion eagle on Long island, the pavilion of Venus on the island of Love, Birch and Admiralty gate, Forest Conservatory, the Aviary. Unique in its technique rammed earth conduit Priory Palace, resembling a medieval castle. In 1971-1975 recreated the original pavilion Birch house, the appearance of which resembles a large pile of birch wood. The basis of the composition of the famous parks of Gatchina serve its scenic waters of the White and Silver lake, Karpin pond and separating the Islands and peninsulas.

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