The Castle Is A Calling Photo: The Castle Of Kolding

Denmark is a great country, famous for its beautiful ancient castles. One of the many beautiful Danish Royal castles is a Calling. It is located in the Central part of the Jutland Peninsula, the city of Kolding. The main purpose of the construction of the castle was to protect the country from foreign invaders.

The castle is a Calling, founded in 1268 by king Christopher I. Over time, the fortress was expanded, adding walls, towers, meeting space. North side with views of the lake completed Christopher III in 1441-1448. In the 16th century walled fortress lost its defensive function, for this reason, Christian III in the southern part of the castle in the yard he built new buildings and towers, transforming the fortress into a Royal residence. In 1588 king Christian IV also made a contribution to the construction of Colling, to complete a Giant tower. It was decorated with four large statues of Hannibal, Hector, Scipione and Hercules. To our time there is only one statue of Hercules, the statue of Hannibal was destroyed in 1808 during the fire, the statue of Hector died in a storm in 1854, and the statue of Spicion fell to the ground and broke.

Over time, the residence is a Calling became less and less used, as the center of political power concentrated in Copenhagen. In the future, the Calling stopped. Battles of the Napoleonic wars partially destroyed the castle.

Very long time the decision was made on the restoration of an ancient castle, in 1991 the restoration of the castle was completed. Today the castle serves as the town Museum, there are collections of furniture of the 16th century, paintings by Danish artists, ancient icons, ceramics and silver, the collection of sculptures. For tourists themed events.

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The Castle Is A Calling
The Church Of St. Nicholas