The birthplace of Aphrodite Photo: the birthplace of Aphrodite

Petra Tou Romiou, which translates as "Stone Greek," is one of the most romantic and beautiful locations in Paphos area. It is believed that the name was associated with one of the Byzantine hero Digenis by Today. Tell that to this place he managed to stop the Arabs, the Saracens, who in the period from VII to X century raided the island. The legendary hero tossed into enemies sailing on their boats to shore, a huge stone, which this territory and became known as Petra Tou Romiou, the rock still dominates the sea water.

However, there is another, more romantic legend associated with this coast, which has another name – the birthplace of Aphrodite or Aphrodite's Rock. According to the legend, this is where the beautiful Greek goddess born from the foam of the sea, came to earth. After all, no wonder one of her many names – Venus.

To date, this coast is very popular among couples and honeymooners, who come there from all over the world. In addition, it is believed that single, but looking for love people can find there mate. Romantics believe that if you find this beach a stone in the shape of a heart, you will soon find your true love. But if omplete Aphrodite's Rock three times counterclockwise, then make a wish come true. Most importantly, do not confuse the coveted rock with other rocks, which is quite a lot in that place. "The" Aphrodite's Rock is a relatively small semi-circular dark stone rising above the water just a few metres from the shore.

But to stay young and beautiful, is only in the moonlight swim near the rock naked. However, we must be extremely careful when you do this, as the water in Petra Tou Romiou quite cold, and the waves are high and strong.

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The birthplace of Aphrodite