Amusement Park Edo Wonderland Photo: theme Park Edo Wonderland"

The historic village of Azuchi, Momoyama Bunkamura, also known as Edo Wonderland in ISE, talks about life in Japan during the Azuchi-Momoyama, when the country was ruled by the samurai. This period lasted only 30 years from 1573 to 1603 year, but at that time the rulers ODA Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi pursued a policy of unification of Japanese lands and succeeded.

Period name consists of the names of these two castles of the rulers of Azuchi, Nobunaga built, and Momoyama, erected by order of Hideyoshi. An exact copy of the castle of Azuchi in the amount of 1:1 is established on the territory of the historic village. ODA Nobunaga built this castle in 1579 as a symbol of unity of the country. It was understood that under the protection of the castle falls village of ordinary people, set around, and the market at the walls of the castle was to serve as a trade due to lower tax. The interiors of the castle were decorated with gold foil, red and black lacquer, carved with ornaments and paintings. Despite the fact that the castle was well fortified and served important ideological, religious and political challenges, it was captured and destroyed just three years later, in 1582, and its reconstruction took place only in the late twentieth century.

Theme Park is a small town located around the castle. On its territory you can find the temple workshops, the ninja Museum and maze ninja, a haunted house, a unique 3D theatre. The Park staff dressed in historical costumes of the 16th century, these same apparel can hire visitors and be photographed in them. Area attractions guests can check their accuracy and dexterity in handling certain types of traditional weapons – bows, brass tubes and throwing knives. The Park hosts costumed parades, and shows with the participation of a beautiful geisha, the elusive ninja warriors and courageous samurai.

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Amusement Park Edo Wonderland"
A Shrine Of ISE
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