Königsberg Cathedral Photo: königsberg Cathedral

One of the most recognizable symbols of the city of Kaliningrad is the building of the Konigsberg Cathedral located in the historical center of Kneiphof, on Kant island surrounded by the Pregel river. A small picturesque island with the main architectural attraction of the city in our days immersed in greenery and is connected to the mainland by two bridges.

First königsberg Cathedral was erected in the thirteenth century in the South-Western part of the Altstadt (the region of the settlement of German colonists). In 1327 allocate a new site for construction of a larger main temple fortress Koenigsberg on the Kneiphof island (now Isle of Kant). The first documentary mention of the Cathedral dates from the September 1333, when master of the Teutonic order, Luther approved the continued construction of the majestic building. Material for the construction of a new Church served as the bricks of the Altstadt Cathedral, and to ferry them to the island were constructed temporary bridge and gate, called the Cathedral. The bridge served for about fifty years, was demolished and a temporary gate in the city wall of the Altstadt successfully stood up to the bombing of the Second world war (more than six hundred years). In 1335 the Cathedral was consecrated in honor of the body of Christ.

Until the sixteenth century, the iconic structure was the main Catholic Church of the town. Later the territory of the Cathedral and the altar part of the temple functioned as the burial place of the members of the upper hierarchy. For five hundred years the building of the Cathedral was rebuilt, refreshed and changed interior: 1380-1400, the Cathedral was completely painted with frescoes, in 1553, the facades were built towers, one of which was mounted weathervane mermaid, and the Western part was added a three-nave building, in 1640 in one of the towers were set a clock with chimes and in 1695 appeared the body. In 1520-ies in the neighborhood erected a building of the Albertina University, and the Church is functioning as a University. Last in the Cathedral's crypt for University professors found peace Immanuel Kant.

During the Second world war königsberg Cathedral was badly damaged and in the postwar years was a ruin. From demolition in Soviet times, the religious building was saved by the grave of the philosopher Kant. Since 1960, the building is a monument of architecture of national importance), but no restoration work was not produced until 1990-ies. In 1989, the building of the former Cathedral was included in the list of world culture heritage of UNESCO.

In our days königsberg Cathedral is a cultural and religious center. In the restored building houses: Orthodox and Evangelical chapel, the Cathedral's Museum and the Museum of Immanuel Kant. Regularly in königsberg Cathedral religious concerts and classical music, international competitions organists.

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