State Museum of cosmonautics history. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Photo credit: State Museum of cosmonautics history. K. E. Tsiolkovsky

State Museum of cosmonautics history. Tsiolkovsky, which is located in Kaluga, is the world's first and largest Russian Museum, dedicated space. The Museum was created with the participation of Yuri Gagarin and Sergei Korolev. It opened in 1967

The Museum reveals the history of aviation, Aeronautics and space technology. It fully presents the scientific legacy of Tsiolkovsky, a major inventor who was the founder of theoretical Astronautics.

In the Museum exposition reflects the history of Russian cosmonautics, starting from the first artificial Earth satellite to a modern space stations. The Museum presents a collection of rocket engines, describes the activities of designers: V. P. Glushko, Korolev, V. N. Chelomey, G. N. Martha, S. A. Kosberg, A. M. Isaev, etc.

Museum background includes about 70 thousand units. Most of the exhibits stored in the Museum, they are portrayed only as the formation of different exposures. In Museum Foundation presents: the collection of physical, visual, written, film and photographic materials. Documentary materials submitted manuscripts Tsiolkovsky, his epistolary heritage, personal documents. Here you can also see the materials from personal archives of scientists, cosmonauts, designers.

The largest collection in the Museum is the collection of rare books. The most valuable memorial library Tsiolkovsky, the work of the scientist, magazines and books, that were collected by Konstantin Eduardovich since 1873 In the collection of rare books also includes publications on the history of aviation, Aeronautics, Astronautics, many with inscriptions.

Real monuments are represented by objects of wood, metal, glass, fabric, ceramics, leather, cardboard, rubber, numismatics, which are connected with the history and achievements of cosmonautics. This included personal belongings Tsiolkovsky: a set of joiner's and metalwork tools, watches, glasses, pen, etc. In the collection of items that tell about the life of Tsiolkovsky's family, including a piano, a Desk, chairs, harmonium, instruments scientist.

To fine monuments include the collections of film and photo documents, drawings, maps, paintings, sculpture and graphics that reflect the history of space development, the work of Tsiolkovsky and other eminent scientists, cosmonauts designers. Enter here and philately collection, posters, phillumeny, philocarty, calendario.

The basis of the collection space technology lay down the items that came to the Museum when it is created from OKB Korolev and Glushko. Here are such groups of subjects: spacecraft; launch vehicles missiles, rocket propulsion systems; equipment with spacecraft; sustenance of space flight (space suits and flight suits, food warmers, Cutlery regeneration of the atmosphere, water storage tanks, Messmer, etc.).

Of particular value are the few authentic artifacts, had been in flight: landers spacecraft "Vostok-5", "Soyuz-34" glove of cosmonaut A. P. Aleksandrova from the emergency space-suit, spacesuit for the spacewalk, flight suits, and others.

The space Museum has a planetarium, where the use of visual effects lectures. The Museum is actively and research work aimed to the study and promotion of the creative heritage of Tsiolkovsky, A. L. Chizhevsky, other pioneers of rocket and space technology; the history of Astronautics and rocketry.

The structure of the Museum of space history also includes: the house-Museum of aviation, which was opened in 1936 – on the anniversary of the death of the great scientist, the apartment Museum of aviation in Borovsk and the house-Museum of A. L. Chizhevsky.

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