The Monument To Alexander Butlerov Photo: The Monument To Alexander Butlerov

The monument Butlerov is located in the centre of Kazan, in the Park to them.Pushkin (or Leninsky garden, as it had called for many years). The monument to Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828 – 1886) - world-renowned chemist, installed in 1978. The opening of the monument was timed to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birthday of the scientist.

The monument was created by sculptor J. G. Nutty and architects V. A. Peterburzhcev and A. V. Stepanov. The monument cast in bronze and represents the figure of the scientist, nestled in a chair. Thoughtful face and eyes directed deep into his consciousness and Express the inner tension of the scientist. Bronze Butlerov in the chair is located on a granite pedestal. His image is bright, calm and wise. On the left side of the pedestal depicts the chemical formula (this formula is a benzene ring, which was one of the major discoveries of the scientist).

Butlerov was born in Chistopol in Kazan province. In Kazan, Butlerov was in high school, and at age 16 he entered the University. His teachers and academic leaders in the University of Kazan were famous scientists K. K. Klaus and N. N. Zinin. Under their leadership, Butlerov had their first chemical experiments. In 1851 Butlerov he defended his thesis and received the title of master of science. Two years later in Moscow Butlerov he defended his doctoral thesis.

In 1857 Butlerov was a Professor at Kazan University. He was engaged in scientific work and research, which allowed him to perform a number of scientific discoveries in the field of chemistry. Butlerova twice appointed rector of Kazan University, but he could not abandon the scientific work. In the sixties he developed a new direction in their research - studied the chemical structure of substances.

Butlerov worked in Kazan till 1869, and then was invited to St. Petersburg University. There he continued the research started in Kazan. Many discoveries Butlerova in the synthesis are currently of great importance in the development of practical activities. Dead scientist in 1886 in his estate Butlerova under the city of Chistopol. On his tomb was installed in the chapel.

To the 100 anniversary from the birthday of the scientist at the Kazan University has opened a research Institute. Butlerova. One of the streets of Kazan bears the name of the scientist.

Opened in Kazan city monument Butlerov is a constant meeting place of the Kazan youth.

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