Kivach Waterfall Photo: Waterfall Kivach

In Karelia, in the famous region of plains and lakes, except for the glacial calm of the landscape (Kama, eskers, moraine ridges) can be found and more "dynamic" beauty. The Kivach waterfall, located in the homonymous nature reserve is not only a natural decoration of the Karelian region and the second largest in Europe waterfall and gives way to the Rhine only. Situated on the Suna river waterfall falls swirling flows down, overcoming four of the ledge, which makes it even more spectacular. The waterfall is almost 11 meters. The noise produced by the power of water, is also impressive. The picturesqueness of the scenery creates an extraordinary impression and attracts tourists.

It still has an old legend about the creation of the Kivach waterfall. Legend tells of two sisters-the river Shuya and Sunnah, which are so fond of each other that all the time flowed nearby. One day, weary Sunnah decided to give my sister the way for a more convenient channel, and she went to rest on the rock, and fell asleep. Waking up, Sunnah found that the sister Shua is already far ahead and began to catch up with her. During the chase Sunnah demolish everything in its path, crushed and turned through the rocks and stones. In the place where the Sunnah cracked rock, and was born a picturesque waterfall.

There are several theories of origin and the name of the waterfall. From the Finnish word "kivi", translated meaning stone, from the Russian word "nod", and from the Karelian "kivas", meaning snow mountain. The most likely is considered Karelian version.

His widely known Kivach acquired by Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin. Circling Karelia Governor discovered and described in the "Daily notes" the incredible beauty of the waterfall. Time and again the poet was inspired by the scary boiling water, the well-known ode "Waterfall" is dedicated to Kivach and begins with these words: "spilling Diamond mountain, with heights of four rocks...".

The waterfall was a favorite place not only among artists and poets. Loved to visit him and high-ranking government officials. The most famous guest of the waterfall was the Emperor Alexander II. For his arrival, the waterfall was given in proper form. To the waterfall paved a good road, on the right Bank of the river built a small gazebo, on the left Bank – Lodge for overnight stay. And downstream of the waterfall is a bridge over the river.

In the twentieth century around the waterfall was founded preserve, named in honor of the main attractions - Kivach. The nature reserve "Kivach", located 60 km from the capital city of Petrozavodsk, is a popular destination among tourists and takes up to 40 thousand visitors a year. No tour of Karelian edge can not do without a visit to this monument at the Federal level.

At the moment part of the river water allocated for use at hydroelectric power plants, are the largest Pleaserusa HPP Kondopoga and HPS, and as a result, the waterfall has lost its former power. Awakening Kiwicha can be observed only during the spring floods. But in the present state falls remains beautiful.

In addition, the waterfall is used for floating timber and is made for this particular descent, otherwise the logs are broken into chips.

In the centre of the reserve, which is one of the oldest in Russia, near the waterfall are the arboretum and the Museum of nature. In addition there is a monument to the fallen of the wars during the great Patriotic war died defending this place. The road to the waterfall takes you through centuries-old pine trees. More than 80% of the territory of the protected areas covered by forests. During a walk in the Park to pick berries and mushrooms, but only for personal purposes.

In the waters of the river there are big pike, perch and bream, and extensive forest became home to many animals (voles to bears) and birds. Hunting and fishing here is strictly prohibited.

In order to preserve and maintain protected sites, entrance to the waterfall is by ticket for a nominal sum.

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