The London dungeon Photo: the London dungeon

"London dungeon" is a pretty popular tourist attraction. Although, of course, the fun for everybody.

The dungeon was opened in 1975 as the Museum of creepy stories, which depicted all sorts of bloody scenes from city's past. Gradually, however, the Museum has turned into interactive theatre. Almost forty years he was on Tooley street, near London bridge, but in 2013 moved to Westminster. Now he is opposite big Ben, next to the "London Eye", in a vast underground spaces under the building of the County Hall. Before you leave the Dungeon was selling off old props and it turned into a separate view: people bought and happily dragged in the trunk "half-burnt" skeletons, braids and huge "severed" head.

The motto of the new play "Dungeons" – "Fear is a funny thing". Jokes (funny and at the same time unpleasant) begin already in the toilet. During the performance the sound is a joke, a foreign tourist may not understand, but the fear is understandable to all. Hour and a half show: as if traveling through time and space, the audience moves from one point to another (there are eighteen), and the actors with the help of special effects play scary scenes.

It's a bit like an animated children's horror stories about the black hand, only here everything is based on historical facts, and visitors are always involved in the action. Then Henry VIII accuses the viewer of treason, we have to go on a dirt alley between the black crosses, rotting corpses and hungry rats (portrayed plague in London), in the labyrinth of narrow streets, breathing hard from behind Jack the Ripper. The viewer becomes one of the participants in the Gunpowder plot, then the accused in the courtroom, gets to torture the master, the Barber Sweeney Todd (according to legend, he killed his customers and his girlfriend made the filling for pies) or even to the foot of the gallows. A lot of the dark, special effects, flashing lights, artificial blood, terrible screams and moans. The audience squeal not worse actors.

And although evil tongues say that the worst thing in the "London dungeon" is the prices in the gift shop, still many (even those that have already graduated from high school) leave happy, as after a roller coaster.

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The London dungeon
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