The Church Of Holy Cross Photo: The Church Of Holy Cross

The Church of the Holy cross Roman Catholic Church, founded in the first half of the fifteenth century on the road from Lublin to Krakow. According to legend, the first wooden Church was founded in 1434, when a merchant from Danzig Henry tried to steal from the Dominican Church of Holy Cross. He managed to take power and put them outside the city, but was soon arrested. The horse had not moved, and scared Henry returned to the city, and at this point decided to found a small wooden Church.

The original Church existed prior to the seventeenth century, when the advisers of Lublin wanted to create another parish on the site of the old Church. In 1623 began construction of a brick Church.

In the late seventeenth century the Church passed into the hands of the Dominicans, who built a monastery in the vicinity of the Church. In the period of the Polish land, the Austrian government has placed in the Church of the barracks. In 1921, the government gave the Church building to rent Lublin University. In 1934, began a large-scale reconstruction of the Cathedral by architect Mariana Lalevic.

Currently, the Church of the Holy cross belongs to the Catholic University of Lublin John Paul II.

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The Church Of Holy Cross
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