The Church Of Divine Providence Photo: The Church Of Divine Providence

The Church of Divine Providence Catholic Church in Bielsko-biała, built in the late Baroque style in 1760-1769. The Church was rebuilt twice in the nineteenth century.

In 1708 the first mayor and one of the richest merchants – Baltazar Demek founded a chapel dedicated to the divine. The chapel was built on the spot where the merchant narrowly escaped death at the hands of a Swedish soldier. The construction of the Baroque Church on the former site of the chapel began in 1760 by the architect Jan Josef Polotsk, Gottfried Berger and Jan Fiber.

The temple was founded by Governor Heinrich von Brühl for the Jesuits. Until 1773 the patron of the temple was considered the founder of the Jesuits, Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Only in 1789, the Church was consecrated as the Church of Divine Providence.

The original was a single-nave Church with two towers. In the nineteenth century the Church was rebuilt twice. In the years 1849-1850 second was built, the nave, the altar and the side galleries. The current appearance of the Church was purchased in 1887, after the work of architect Emmanuel Growth. Then tower speakers were expanded, changed the appearance of the facade, added the clock tower. The restored Church was consecrated in 1889, the Bishop of Krakow.

The interior of the Church, special attention deserves the chair in the Rococo style, decorated in the shape of St. Peter's boat floating in the river Jordan. Wooden altar in Baroque style was built in the second half of the nineteenth century.

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The Church Of Divine Providence
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