Sanguinaires Islands Photo: Sanguinaires Islands

Its name Sanguinaires Islands (or Sangensie) received thanks to its picturesque view of the sunset. The island, formed by nature in pink porphyry, at the end of the day have a rich red hue, and so they became known as Bloody (in French sang, sanguine - blood). Rumours also attributes to the Islands a large number of shed blood on them, in particular, during the Corsican vendettas – the local custom of blood revenge.

Sanguinary is a small archipelago of four Islands near Corsica, in a small Bay on the West coast. The closest city to Ajaccio.

On earth Sanguinaires Islands may seem that they are in a desert place with pristine nature, unspoiled by human presence. Actually, for the first time man landed on Sangineto in the sixteenth century. In the nineteenth century writer Alphonse Daudet, who lived on the largest island of the archipelago Mazamari, wrote "Letters from my mill" - a work in which twisted descriptions of the lives of ordinary people and nature in the South of France, as well as local folklore. Currently on one of the Islands lighthouse, and on the other – watchtower.

Sanguinary like not only people, but also birds – it is home to rare species, and sea birds live on the Islands of entire colonies, nest and breed. Therefore, Sanguinary except business, come again and ornithologists.

To enjoy the beauty of the Sanguinaires Islands, you can watch the sunset on Caminero from the observation tower on the promontory of La Ttings, to pass along the Islands on a yacht or rent a boat and be spent exploring the Islands a few hours or the whole day.

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Sanguinaires Islands