The Bomb Shelter Photo: Bomb Shelter "Aldersgate"

The bomb shelter "Aldersgate is located in the city of Kirkenes. The construction of the shelter began in 1941. Norwegian architect Anders Allebach, whose name was later given shelter and received. For wide access visitors it opened in 1990.

After the occupation began in 1940. on the Northern boundary of the focused large force of German troops. This region was considered the most fortified in Europe, in connection with which the city was bombarded more than 300 air strikes. The number of bombing raids in Europe during the Second world war Kirkenes takes 2nd after Malta. The lockdown declared here time 1 015. After such raids in Kirkenes survived only 230 houses. In October 1944. German troops burned the city most of the remaining houses.

The catacombs Undergrate had two outs and was able to hide in the walls of 400-600 people. A bomb shelter in Kirkenes was saved from death many lives.

Visitors have the opportunity not just to walk inside, but also to watch a documentary about the war in Kirkenes, based on archival filming in Norwegian, English and German.

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The Bomb Shelter "Aldersgate"
The Museum of the border lands