Art Museum of Chianciano Photo: Art Museum of Chianciano

Art Museum of Chianciano is located in the heart of the Spa town of Chianciano Terme in Tuscany. There is a huge collection of works of ancient and modern art, the value of which is recognized worldwide. And here regularly Biennale of Chianciano and the international festival of digital art and photography.

The Museum's collection is divided into five sections. The first presents contemporary art of various schools – abstract Volume of work and Our Afro, realism Francis Turner, and Jean Chen Liu, outsider art Alberta Ludena, paintings by Brian Wilshire, etc. The next section is about antique Asian art – there are over a hundred exhibits, including statues, bowls, dishes, stone sculptures. The oldest exhibit – antique amphora - about 5 thousand years! This section also presents a collection of artifacts of the 4th century from Afghanistan, which reflects the Greek influence on Afghan art. In the third section you can see a collection of paintings, Dating from the 15th century up to our days, is the work of Paolo Cagliari, Renato Guttuso, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Toulouse-Lautrec, Edvard Munch and t.d. Another hall is dedicated to the engravings and engravings – they were going around the world, including museums such as the Metropolitan in new York and the Cincinnati Art Museum. Among the authors of works – Albrecht Durer, Goya, Rembrandt, Piranesi. Finally, in the historical section of the collected works of Napoleon III, and numerous members of European Royal families.

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Art Museum of Chianciano