Museum of the history of the Murmansk shipping company Photo: Museum of the history of the Murmansk shipping company

Museum of the history of the Murmansk shipping company was opened in 1977 in a small room, which was decorated exhibition telling about the history of the Navy. The first exhibition featured photographs, sports awards, albums, prizes and many other things and materials that were transferred to the management of the Museum ship's crews and which carry historical value. After nearly 30 years of constant productive work, the Museum has expanded considerably, so at the moment the Museum is located on the street of the Volodarka.

Display cases and stands tell not only about the past but about the present and the development of transport Arctic icebreaking fleet. A distinctive feature of the Museum was the painting, which depicts the heroic and legendary scientist Schmidt Otto Yulievich, at the time headed the first expedition into the unexplored Arctic and brave captain Voronin Vladimir Ivanovich.

The Museum has several exhibitions: "Men and ships of the nuclear Navy", "the Historical development of transport and icebreaking fleet", "the Tanker fleet of the Company", "Diorama of the development of the Northern sea route". The exhibition "From Ermak ice atomic icebreakers" tells the story of the historical development of Soviet icebreaking fleet, which presents specifications and photographs not only steam, but diesel-electric icebreakers, active in the long Arctic route.

In the Murmansk Museum of history of the Navy can consider a wide variety of devices that have been removed from previously existing vessels. Well-marked distinctive side lights, taken from the steamer "Volgograd" and a lifeline which has the signatures of all members of the last crew. Here is a tool marine fireman with one of the last steamers called "the Blues", presented in a rather primitive form of a shovel, and also has a two-meter tongs and heroic kochegarki scrap.

The Museum presents a stand dedicated to the activities of the Murmansk seamen in the process of Antarctic exploration, which can be seen stuffed so entertaining for kids penguins.

On the Museum stands exhibited photographs and portraits of Arctic explorers of space. For example, a portrait gallery of heroic people are presented with images of sailors, so often there are cases when relatives of the sailors come to the Museum just to honor the memory of their loved ones.

In the halls of the Museum there are a large number of different models of transport ships and icebreakers, which a permanent collection is complemented. One of the unique collections is a collection of the micromodel, which were made on a scale of 1:500. Its author was a famous resident of the city of Murmansk, Vladimir Samokhin. His works lead to an unprecedented delight of Museum visitors.

Considerable interest among the visitors triggers and "Diorama of development of Northern sea way", where you can consider the look of the territorial expanse of the Arctic ocean, and see the kind of cargo ship before unloading, figurines of sailors and the incredible Northern lights in the sky over the Arctic.

It is worth noting that the Museum not only tells the history of the development of the Navy, but also serves as a meeting place for veterans of the shipping company. Since 1999, the Museum always welcomes the participants of the Arctic convoys from Moscow, St. Petersburg, USA, England and other countries.

In 2001, the Museum began its work a new exhibition called "pole – 2000", which was presented to about 50 colourful photos of one of Murmansk photographers Lev Fedoseyev about the trip to the cold North Pole on the icebreaker "Yamal". Until today, the exhibition expands its collection. Especially interesting are photos Golovina N. "Colors Of The Arctic".

Today, the Museum continues to seek new ways of working with numerous visitors, thereby bonding between the true connoisseurs of the difficult history of Arctic exploration.

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