The Cathedral of Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Michael-Klopsk monastery Photo: the Cathedral of Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Michael-Klopsk monastery

As you know, Novgorod architecture belonging to the first half of the 16th century, largely retained the link with the architectural tradition that has developed in the era of independence, namely in 1478. In addition, at this point was a long awaited annexation of Novgorod to Moscow, which could not be reflected on the architectural component of this Union. The novelty was detected primarily at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, located in the Klopsk monastery. New architectural style found in the masonry of the Trinity Cathedral, which has led to the emergence of new types of cathedrals. Besides, the decoration has changed considerably for the better.

Among all the prevailing architectural style of the Novgorod and Moscow the most notable was the Trinity Cathedral. Earlier in his place was located a wooden Trinity Church, erected in 1412. There is an assumption that in this period of time, the Holy Trinity monastery was the place to be. Wooden construction existed for only seven years. In 1419 in place of a wooden Church was built a new stone Church, whose construction took place during the life of the Abbot Theodosius. In the chronicle data is of special functional feature of Trinity Church is the presence of podarkov that was associated with the orientation of the orientation at the Church of St. Nikola on Latke.

In 1569 stone of Trinity Church was demolished and in its place built a large beautiful Trinity Cathedral. He was a four-columned temple with three apses, the bulk of which was completed three heads, which was also presented at the Transfiguration Cathedral in the Khutyn monastery. In the overall architecture of the Trinity Cathedral of the traditional features of Novgorod architecture is almost completely absent. The Cathedral building is quite original in its three-dimensional shape, which is connected with the porch, is made across the entire width located on the West side of the façade and two aisles, with the South and North. Significant asymmetry of the total composition to a greater extent reinforced with a hipped bell tower, located in the South-West side of the building.

To one of the features of the Trinity monastery is mnogovershinnoe Trinity Church, which is characteristic for a number of churches Dating back to Klopsk Cathedral. In this aspect closest to the Holy Trinity Cathedral was the Church of Nikita. As for the process of sanctification of the Church altars, the ceremony was held with the participation of Ivan the terrible, the Cathedral was built only by order of the king, and to a greater extent on its means. The altars were consecrated in honor of Theodore Stratelates and John of the ladder, which was the consequence of the desire of the author to emphasize the patronage of the king's sons – Theodore and John.

The most significant changes in the structure of the building were closely associated with renovations in the early 19th century. The Cathedral walls were several adlouni and made a new cover, with a small portion of the main volume was augmented by a pair of decorative heads. Besides, were dismantled arches of the side chapels, and the heads, cleaned the bell tower and significantly upgraded wall paintings belonging to the late 17th – early 18th centuries. Around the same time was built monastic cells, the rectory quarters, three-tiered bell tower, and a stone wall.

During 1964-1965, under the leadership of chief architect Krasnorechiev L. V. at the Holy Trinity Cathedral held its conservation work. At the moment the interior of the Cathedral, namely, at a depth of 1.2 m from the floor, researchers had found the original masonry, which is very different from laying the 16th century. Have revealed masonry were discovered several facial surfaces; there is an assumption that the masonry is the residue from a previously existing internal support of the Church in 1419. From the East side of the temple was discovered masonry is identical to that found previously masonry, although it has remained only a single row of flagstone. The North side of the side face to have preserved the facial coating.

Now in the Cathedral restoration work.

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