Ancient Olympia Photo: Ancient Olympia

At the confluence of two rivers – Alfios and Kladeos, was founded Olympia, for thousands of years served as a sanctuary of Zeus and the venue sports – Olympic games.

The temple of Zeus was built around 470 BC, the architect and the sculptor Phidias. Come down to our times fragments of the Foundation and the fragments of columns can appreciate the grandeur of this building. In ancient times the temple was decorated with marble and painted.Inside the temple stood the famous statue of Zeus, by Phidias. It was made of gold, ivory and wood, and was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. On this statue Phidias worked in a special building – Workshop, which was subsequently converted into a Christian Church.

Nearby was a temple of Hera, the oldest preserved in Greece ( beginning of VI century BC), all the capitals of the columns which are very different from each other. Here kindle the fire of the modern Olympic games.

Also preserved and Filippin – round building, the construction of which was started by king Philip II and completed under Alexander the Great.

On-site gymnasium was practice. Located near the palaestra was used for changing clothes, washing and recreational athletes. It also housed a dining hall and a library. The leonidio – largest building in Olympia. Its purpose is to noble guests of the games. The leonidio consists of the external colonnade of the building in the shape of a square and the inner colonnade. In the centre of the courtyard was dug pool with a small island.

The famous Olympic stadium look like much elongated hollow. The stands were not here, and spectators watched the games right from the grassy slopes around the stadium.

In the Archaeological Museum of Olympia priceless finds from excavations of the ancient city. This is one of the richest museums in Greece. The exhibits are presented in chronological order, starting from prehistoric times to the Roman period.

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