Epidaurus Photo: Epidaurus

From the VI century BC here was the sanctuary of the God of healing Asclepius. Here gathered thousands of pilgrims with requests for healing. Hosted sports competitions were held varied procession.

In most parts of the sanctuary of Asclepius excavations. You can see a huge Propylaea gate on the North side of the sanctuary, the ruins of the Tholos, the purpose of which remains unknown, and animation separate room for patients awaiting healing. From the temple of Asclepius remained only the Foundation.

Ruins of the theatre, built in the IV century BC, the Theatre had a diameter of 114 meters and was divided into sectors by stone stairs. Preserved scene (orchestra), 20 meters in diameter. The actors came on the stage through the corridors on both sides of the stage, through the monumental gate. Epidaurus theatre glorified for its excellent acoustics. Here is annually held summer festival of Greek drama.

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