The Monastery Becca Photo: Monastery Becca

On the southern shore of Skadar lake near the Montenegrin town of Virpazar is a vintage beška monastery. It is built on the island of beška together with others nearby monasteries, and all together they are historical monuments and, in addition, interesting tourist attraction in Montenegro.

The number of medieval monasteries only on the banks of Skadar lake has more than 2 dozen, this in turn undoubtedly indicates the important role of the spiritual life of ancient Slavic Zeta (formerly known as Montenegro). On the territory of beška monastery are 2 churches: the Church of the blessed virgin Mary and St. George.

Zeta ruler George II Stratimirovic Baltic at his own expense built in the late 14th century Church, dedicated to St. George. The Church is single-nave building with a shadow of the dome of the bell tower and 3 bells, which characterizes the architecture of those times. Currently partially preserved floor, which was paved with stone slabs.

Some time later, at the behest of the wife and daughter of Prince St. Lazarus, Ellen Baltic, there was a second Church, a little inferior to the size of the previous one, which was erected in honor of the virgin. This fact is mentioned on the inscription above the entrance to the Church building, dated 1440. Thought of the temple as a tomb for Elena, and he later served these purposes. Beautiful stone carvings adorned the Western facade of the Church.

Both of these buildings were covered with paintings, traces of which are preserved. These buildings demonstrate the high skill of the architects of those years, managed to skillfully integrate them into the main natural landscape of the island.

A contribution to the history of the state of beška monastery made through the transcribing monks of the Church books. The surviving examples of their work are now in the centers of culture and art of Montenegro (Savina monastery, library of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and arts).

In the years of occupation by the Turks, the monastery ceased to function and was abandoned, and churches were looted and partially destroyed.

In the early 20th century, the Church of the Annunciation was restored by Nicholas I, king of Montenegro, for the health of Milena, his wife. The Church was given another name. However, numerous wars over the centuries and has not allowed the monastery to function, he was again brought into decline.

Only in 2002 began his active recovery and reconstruction. Now beška monastery is not only a monument of cultural heritage of the country. He is a working nunnery.

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The Monastery Becca
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