The Church of St. Vladimir equal-to-Apostles Mikhaylov Pogost Photo: the Church of St. Vladimir equal-to-Apostles Mikhaylov Pogost

The Church of the Holy Prince Vladimir is located in a village called Mikhaylov Pogost, which refers to Loknyanskoe area. Village Mikhaylov Pogost is particularly rich in different kinds of events that are rooted in the very depths of centuries and is closely intertwined with the historical development of Pskov.

The earliest mention of the churchyard is recorded in the chronicle sources. There are several beliefs, according to which the name of the village. One legend tells that near the place where now is located Vladimirskaya Church, was formerly birch grove. Beside the grove there lived a man named Michael, who had a blind daughter whose mother was replaced by an evil stepmother. One day, the daughter of Michael called girlfriend in a forest of birch SAP. As soon as the girl slit birch bark, her juice squirted in the eye, and she immediately received his sight. After this miraculous event, the girl hung on the tree icon, which came to pray, and her father Michael decided to build a wooden Church.

According to Church records 1861, in Mikhaylov Pogost stood three churches, one of which was called the assumption, built in 1392, the second side of the Church, consecrated in the name of John the Baptist and erected in 1780, and the third Church of the Holy Nile Slovenskega, erected in 1844.

The Church of St. Vladimir was built in 1862 by order of zemlevladelec Alexeeva Maria Ivanovna for her personal funds over the ashes of her husband, who was a titular counselor Alekseev Vladimir Grigorievich.

Vladimir's Church was built of red brick that has become a true example of Byzantine or ancient style. In the Church there is one altar, consecrated in the name of the Holy equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir.

The Church presents three, five-domed and feature a three-tiered bell tower. In addition to brick, in the decoration of the temple used concrete, Sandstone and marble. The Church tower had seven bells, the largest of which weighed 103 pounds and 30 pounds. All the bells on explanatory inscriptions: "to the glory of the Triune God and his servants of Mary, Vladimir and Chad", "the glory of God Triune app constructors of the Church of St. Prince Vladimir in 1862 was cast this bell in the city of St. Petersburg at the factory of the famous merchant Michael Stukolkin", "Grateful to his wife on the ashes of her husband vozdvignuta" and some others. All Church domes were cast in the shape of the bulb.

Once on the South side of the Church there was a cemetery containing graves of priests, and the rich and noble people. In this place lie the remains of ancestors assumption of a famous writer Lev Vasilyevich. To date, all the tombstones are missing.

Church services in the Church were held on Tuesdays every week, and all weekends and holidays, from 8 October until the day of Holy Pascha. In 1889 the landowner Alekseev Vladimir bequeathed the Church is inviolable capital, which amounted to ten thousand, and the interest on this sum of money should be spent on maintenance and also repair work of the temple; besides, Alekseeva has ensured that funds were spent and in favor of the parishioners, as well as a parable for the purpose of worship.

It is known that in the 40-ies of the 20 century Vladimirskaya Church was closed. After the Church was closed in the basement was equipped with a bakery. To date, the Church of St. Vladimir restored and is valid.

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