The ruins of a castle of the Livonian order Photo: the Ruins of a castle of the Livonian order

It is assumed that the rēzekne castle was built in 1285 knight Wilhelm von Sauerberg (known as Wilkin von Endorf), which at the time was the master of the Livonian order. Perhaps the castle was built on the site of a former settlement. This castle is referred to the order castles of the first generation, i.e., those that were built with large moraine boulders. The locks of the second generation in Livonia was built of bricks in the 14th century.

For the entire period of its existence, the castle has been named differently. The Germans called it Rosetten, during the Polish reign, he was called by water., the Russians called Resize (later Reizei), in the times of the Republic of Latvia, with the castle got the name of Rezekne.

Until the middle of the 16th century in Rezekne castle was the residence of the bailiff of the Livonian order. In 15 – 16th centuries fortress in Rezekne is one of the most important defensive points Eastern side of the Order. In the period of the Livonian war (1558-1583) the castle was seized by the troops of Ivan the terrible. In subsequent years, Rezekne castle changed hands many times. During its long history, the castle has repeatedly been the site of battles. Naturally, he gradually destroyed, the premises came to desolation. In the late 17th century in Rezekne castle, no one lived. Thus, already in the 16th century the state of rēzekne castle was in a poor state. In the 18th century, the castle was dismantled, according to an official resolution by the locals for their own buildings. Till our days there were only some fragments of the walls.

Foundations on the ruins of rēzekne castle show that there were numerous buildings: barns for grain, barns for livestock and horses, blacksmith shops, and living quarters. Along the lines of the Foundation to establish an overall picture of ancient fortress. The main room was located in East, North and West wings, on the South side stood the main tower.

With lock Rezekne connected several legends. After the death of the ruler of the castle of Wolkenburg, steel 3 heiresses of his daughter, between which were separated by vast possessions of the castle. The first castle was built by the rose, he was named Rezekne, and later Lucius (Ludza), and Maria (Velaku).

According to another legend, the rose and today sits on the Golden throne in the castle dungeon. Rose is guarded by two dogs. On one side the dog is on a gold chain, the other silver. Every 9 years, on Easter night, Rosa leaves his throne and goes to seek the man who will save her from the spell. To do this, take her gold cross and sprinkled Holy Easter water. Many have tried to save the girl in that way but nothing worked, it prevented the devils and evil spirits. Those who were not afraid of evil forces, could not carry the cross to the Church, as it was very heavy. When they threw off the cross on the ground, heard a quiet weeping, and rose fell into the following 9 long years.

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