St. Isaac's Cathedral Photo: St. Isaac's Cathedral

St. Isaac's Cathedral - a unique monument of Russian architecture and one of the finest cathedrals in Europe. The Cathedral was built in 1818-1858 gg by architect Auguste Montferrand in honor of St. Isaac of Dalmatia.

On its big size (height more than 100 meters) St. Isaac's Cathedral is one of the largest domed buildings in Europe. 120 monolith columns of various sizes adorn the building. The most powerful of them – 45-columns – weigh 114 tons each. In the decoration of the Cathedral was used granite, different kinds of marble, malachite and lapis lazuli.

The decoration of the Cathedral includes the largest collection of Russian paintings of the XIX century, with over 150 pieces. Among them are the works of famous painters Vasily Shebuev, Karl Bryullov, Fyodor Bruni. More than 300 statues, statues and reliefs were made by Ivan Vitali. An important role in art and decoration play more than 60 mosaic works of Russian masters. Special attention deserves one of Russia's largest stained area 28, 5 square meters.

In the twentieth century in St. Isaac's Cathedral was the Museum of atheism, and then the building of the Church was given the status of the Museum-monument. Today, the Museum-a monument to St. Isaac's Cathedral - one of the most popular in St. Petersburg. Its visitors have the opportunity to climb the colonnade of the Cathedral and from the height of 43 meters you can admire the panorama of the city centre. In 1988, for the first time after a long break, in the Cathedral a memorial service was held dedicated to the celebration of the Millennium of Christianity in Rus'.

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