Juliet's Tomb Photo: Juliet's Tomb

Juliet's tomb is a sarcophagus of red marble 13th-14th century, located in the crypt of a former Capuchin monastery in Verona. Today it is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the city to which thousands of lovers from all over the world wishing to see the tomb of the legendary heroine of Shakespeare's plays.

First mention of the tomb appeared in the story by Luigi da Porto in 1524, who wrote that "one of the crypts of the temple was the ancient burial place of all kinds Cappelletti, and there lay a beautiful Juliet. Immediately after the publication of this story to the nameless sarcophagus began a real pilgrimage, which at the insistence of the authorities was terminated only by the middle of the 16th century – the tomb was turned into a storage tank of water. For the next two and a half centuries the sarcophagus had been forgotten and abandoned, but in 1807 was published novel Germaine de Stael "Karina" in which the writer casually mentioned about Juliet's tomb, located in Verona. The society started a new wave of interest in this place, which does not cease to this day. Passionate fans of Shakespeare and "Romeo and Juliet" was an odd memory pieces of the sarcophagus, and one of its fragments even made a decoration for the Empress Marie-Louise of Austria, second wife of Napoleon I. This, of course, could not adversely affect the safety of the tomb. In 1868 it was moved from the crypt to the wall of the old Church and erected over it a portico with arches. Three decades later, a nearby established the fragments of ancient tombstones and columns, and in 1907 near the portico there was a marble bust of Shakespeare. Finally, in the second half of the 1930-ies, when the screens released film George cukor's "Romeo and Juliet", the sarcophagus was moved inside the Church. Soon there was installed a mailbox for letters to Juliet. Incidentally, the messages remained unanswered – they said the caretaker of the monastery complex Ettore Solimani, who was the initiator of the transfer of the tomb. In 1970 the Church was established a small Museum of frescoes and the tomb of Juliet is a Museum piece.

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