The Cliff Of Stepan Razin Photo: Cliff Of Stepan Razin

Five kilometers from the village Belogorsky Krasnoarmeisky district of the Saratov region is a cultural and historical monument-the cliff of Stepan Razin. The plot is steep coast is located between two ravines - Stenkina prison and Danilovsky, near Datura-mountain.

Archaeological studies have shown the human settlements on the territory of the cliff in the bronze age. In the cultural layer of this era were found in the ancestral burial grounds of the village (the don-Volga catacomb culture). On the territory of the ravine are four old believer cave, with a length of over 600 metres (presumably previously submitted a unified system of tunnels).

The most valuable archaeological objects belong to the era of the Great Horde, and the most popular belong to the time of the popular uprising (1667-1671) and stay in these places Stenka Razin with his detachment. Just South, on the territory Shcherbakovskaya Park are several attractions related to the ataman (Urakov and Nastya's mound). According to the legend, at the top of the cliff was used as a military camp, where he lived Stepan Razin and where the rebels were hunted down and were looting the ships sailing down the Volga. Prisoners were thrown into the ravine, later named Stenkina prison, and hid the loot in a Dope-mount. With the last bound many mystical events and varied folklore. Also in the story of the legendary chieftain, his exuberant wedding on the Volga and thrown overboard Persian Princess mentioned this cliff. History of private life the terrible chieftain formed the basis of a popular folk song From the island to the midstream. ".

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The Cliff Of Stepan Razin