Botanical garden Photo: Botanical garden

Botanical garden in the Northern town is lovely and often the only opportunity for its residents to enjoy the nature of life overseas plants, to get acquainted with all their variety and splendour.

Botanical garden of St. Petersburg dates back to the Apothecary gardens/vegetable gardens, which were held in Russia in the reign of the first Romanov to the content field and state-owned pharmacies. Immediate predecessor – the Moscow Aptekarsky ogorod, which in 1714 was transferred to the new capital and posted on Raven (later Aptekarsky island. Initially its main purpose was the cultivation of medicinal plants. Gradually the island formed of the Pharmaceutical settlement settled employees of the Medical office. Began to conduct medical research and training of pharmacists.

In the reign of Emperor Alexander the first Apothecary garden that hitherto was in poor condition due to poor funding, was converted under the project, approved by the Emperor, the buildings were improved and rebuilt, Botanical and medical departments were merged. The garden was renamed the Imperial Botanical garden. The main purpose of his activity was the scientific activity, but the preservation and continuation of breeding Apothecary herbs. Imperial Botanical garden bought live plants and dry, seeds. Organized a scientific library, a Museum. The garden was to serve as a place to study horticulture and gardening, here was conducted practical classes of students. The whole nineteenth century the garden was enlarged her collection of plants brought from all parts of the world by Russian travelers and explorers.

Since 1930, the garden transferred to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. After the great Patriotic war, during which the garden was badly damaged by bombing, it was rebuilt, restored, and almost lost collection of plants was resumed and increased.

Currently the area of the greenhouses of the Botanical garden is about 1 hectare, their total length of over one kilometer. Collection of living plants collected here comprise more than 7, 5 thousand species of them all, including the most exotic and remote corners of the planet. The abundance and variety of plants is amazing. There is a "hanging gardens" of epiphytes that live high in the branches of tropical trees, and near - whimsical leaves of ferns.

Each year, you can see flowering and then fruiting coffee, cocoa, mangoes, bananas, flacourtia (tropical plums), citrus (Mandarin, lemon, orange), figs, Japanese loquat, pomegranate, feijoa and a number of other plants. Here palm trees are blooming, the Australian acacia, callistemon, filled with Jasmine flowers, the scent of which fills the whole garden. In the garden there is a magnificent collection of Heather in the winter you can see the graceful Erica, and in the spring bloom beautiful azaleas. A rich and varied palette of colors of the Botanical garden remains in the memory of visitors.

In the Botanical garden regularly hosts tours for visitors and for students - specialized educational excursions.

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Botanical garden
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