Park them. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Photo: Park them. K. E. Tsiolkovsky

On the site of the present Park. K. E. Tsiolkovsky until the end of the 18th century was urban land pastures. After opening on 13 January 1777 Kaluga region Kaluga became the provincial center and got a General plan of reconstruction, which is in the southwestern part of the city on the pastures the land is a Park of lime trees, which was designed in the regular style. It had a Central Playground and divergent direct radiation paths.

In 1796 at West Park was built rustic house of Khan Mengli Giray, the last representative of the Crimean khanate, which was exiled to Kaluga by Catherine II. When Mengli Giray was released in Moldavia, from home made the Governor's cottage with outbuildings.

One of such facilities in 1826 adapted for use as living quarters for the poet Yu Kalediscope-Mielec. After a quarter century in this wing there was a great Russian writer N. In. Gogol. N. In. Gogol twice visited Kaluga: in the summer of 1849 he lived here during the month, in 1850 about 2 days. Gogol were given rooms in the wing near the Governor's cottage. First came here he worked on 2 volume of "Dead souls" and read individual chapters on the balcony of the Governor's dacha A. O. Smirnova – known in literary circles with which Gogol has a friendly relationship. Smirnov was in those times wife of the Governor of Kaluga (it was at her invitation Gogol came to Kaluga).

After some time, the fleet has increased and has become a favorite place for walking residents. The Park was named Country garden, and leading to him a street – Samorodnitsky. The shady alleys of the garden walking: the great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky, a famous actor M. S. Shchepkin, writer A. K. Tolstoy. In 1899, in honor of the centennial of Pushkin's birth Country garden called Pushkin.

In 1920, due to careless handling of fire burned down the house of Gogol, and in 1922 was dismantled and the Governor's cottage by reason of dilapidation. In the place of the house where once lived Gogol, is a memorial obelisk with a portrait bas-relief of the writer of bronze, by the sculptor E. D. Nikiforova-Kirpichnikov).

In Pushkin garden loved walking Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. In 1925, out of respect to an elderly scientist in the valley of the Cell was arranged in descending terraces, stone steps, benches. Tsiolkovsky died in 1935 decided to Bury him in Pushkin garden at the Central Park Playground. On September 21, 1935 solemn funeral. And on September 24, 1936 at the tomb of the scientist opened the majestic monument obelisk (architect B.G. Dmitrieva), which is a narrow triangular arrow-shaped obelisk, standing on three triangular pedestal. The monument stands on a round stone platform, its height is 12, 5 m. On the top of the pedestal – cast iron bas-reliefs: a portrait Tsiolkovsky in the circle of students, a rocket projectile in interstellar space. At the bottom, the telegram is a Testament Tsiolkovsky and response telegram to Stalin, memorial inscription, a quotation from a letter Tsiolkovsky engineer B.N. Vorobyov.

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Park them. K. E. Tsiolkovsky
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The house-Museum of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
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The launch vehicle "Vostok"
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