The Monastery Of St. George Photo: Monastery Of St. George

The Monastery Of St. George – Orthodox monastery on the black sea coast in Sunny beach. The exact date when was founded the monastery, archaeologists and historians find it difficult to call, but presumably it refers to the beginning of the nineteenth century.

The appearance of the monastery in this area is connected with the legend about the miraculous source helped to heal the Turkish Bey – Selim, who lived here in the eighteenth century. According to the legend, one of the workers Selim first had a dream that pointed him to the source that cures all ills. Then the employee began to appear in dreams George. The Bulgarian couldn't settle down and one day went to the place, where in the dream found the source. There he found the bas-relief of marble depicting St. George, from beneath which flowed the water – and I found the one miraculous source. After telling everything to his master, he became interested in his. Selim drank water from the source, after which I was completely healed.. On the joys of the Turks and his entire family converted to Christianity. Subsequently, at the source, it was decided to build a chapel, and later the Orthodox monastery. Their land Selim Bey passed into the possession of the monastery and, according to legend, served as the first chaplain.

Among the shrines of the monastery, except the source, also turned out to be a bas-relief of St. George, what was found above the source, and the miraculous icon of St. George, which is stored in the monastery.

Since 1935 the monastery is run Sliven Metropolitan Orthodox Church of Bulgaria.

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The Monastery Of St. George
The salt Museum
Antique domed tomb