The Church of St. Martinian of the Ferapontov monastery Photo: Church of St. Martinian of the Ferapontov monastery

Tent-roofed Church of St. Martinian is part of the Ferapontov monastery. It was built in 1641. The porch was added in the mid-nineteenth century. The temple was built over the tomb of St. Martinian – co-founder of the Ferapontov monastery at the southern wall of the Cathedral of the Nativity. At whitestone harmondale the Board of the Church there is a carved inscription, announcing the completion of its construction on August 1, 1641.

The monk Martinian Belozersky (in peace Michael) was born in 1370 in the town of Berezniki, in the proximity of the Kirillov monastery. At the age of thirteen he left his parents and secretly made it to St. Cyril of Beloozero, about which much has been heard about the great ascetic. Martinian, abiding in a perfect obedience to the teacher, became zealous to imitate him. In the monastery Martinian taught reading and writing, and with the blessing of St. Cyril, he became involved in the transcription of books.

After a while, Martinian was ordained as a deacon, and later to the priesthood. After the death of the monk Kirill (1427), blessed Martinian went for silence on a deserted island located on lake Vosges. Over time it was a small circle of monks. The monk Martinian was erected for them the Church of the Transfiguration and organized coenobitic Charter. At the behest of the brothers of the Ferapontov monastery, he became the hegumen of the monastery and leads her in a flourishing condition.

Reverend Martiniano was provided spiritual support to Grand Prince Vasilii Vasil'evich in a difficult time for him, when on the throne dishonestly claimed Demetrius Shemyaka – his cousin. Martinian was always an advocate of justice and truth. After a time, at the request of Grand Prince, the monk began to manage the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh. In the middle of the XV century, in the year 1455, the monk Martinian returned to the Ferapontov monastery. In old age he was severely ill and could not walk, and brothers wore it to Church. Died Martinian at the age of 85 years. In 1514, his relics were found, October 7, committed memory acquisition.

The Church of St. Martinian erected Cyril masters. Volume of the Church is simple and concise, presented a small cube with an octagonal tent and elegant drum. Interior lighting of the Church is unique: the window is placed just above the volume and direct its spotlight the sun's rays on disposal of Martinian, forming the effect of its light. The space of the tent, enveloped in darkness and ends in light drum seems to be a tunnel that leads to the heavenly Kingdom.

Over the grave Martinian, on the outer South wall of the Church of the Nativity of the virgin, in 1502 icon painter Dionisy was painted the image of the virgin Pechersk with the archangels Gabriel and Michael, Saint Nicholas and Saint Ferapont and Martiniana (the founders of the monastery), who got down on his knees at the feet of the virgin. After the construction of the stone Church of St. Martinian this area is outside painting the Cathedral is located in the arched opening of the North wall Martinenko Church. Here is preserved a rare picture, without halos, decanonization in the early XVI century the founders of the monastery of Ferapont and Martinian. They were canonized only in the middle of this century.

In the Church from 1838 is bunk iconostasis. It was produced by Vologda tradesman Nikolay Melvin. The figures of the Archangel Gabriel and Mary from the scene of the Annunciation is not preserved in the Royal doors carved. The words "Immortal dinner" symbolizes the mystery of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.

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