City wall of XI'an Photo: City wall of XI'an

Ming dynasty city wall is one of the attractions of XI'an. It is from here, from the city wall, offers extraordinary views of the city, you can see the Drum tower and bell tower. Captures the spirit of the impressive panoramas.

Similar wall existed in Beijing, but it was destroyed during the construction of the metro. Therefore, the city wall in Xian is the only Chinese city walls, which have survived to the present day.

Originally the wall was built, and how all the city walls to protect the city from attacks. Wall height of 12 meters, a width of about 15 meters at the base, and a length of about 12 kilometers. Originally the wall was built using the land that is densely compacted during installation. The construction was then overlaid with a brick.

On each side of the wall were created gates for arrival in the city: Antani on the North side, Jonni South, Andin with Changle Western and Eastern side of the city. All gates were equipped bridge with a lifting mechanism, a deep moat and stone bag. The corners of the walls were made guard towers, each of which has a small military garrison. The towers served as observation posts.

In the wall were also created special passages for horses. The steps were made so that the horse could safely use them. All of these passages was 11.

Today, the wall remained to exist just as local attractions. During the restoration in 1983, there was created the Park for pleasant walks and restored tower on the gate. In addition, on the territory of the city wall Marathon is held, in which participants have to overcome three full circle along the wall.

Night City wall of XI'an because of the colour light looks even more beautiful and mysterious.

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