Hot springs of Huaqing Photo: Hot springs of Huaqing

Hot springs of Huaqing became known in 723 year, during the reign of the Tang - period of the highest power of the country under the rule of Emperor Hsuan-Tsung. The Imperial baths were built in a warm climate zone, with beautiful views of the mountains, 25 km from XI'an West of the capital of the Tang dynasty, as part of the Huaqing Palace. They have become one of the favorite resting places of the Emperor.

Temperature powerful stream of water source of up to 43 degrees Celsius. Local water has healing properties, rich in minerals – iron, copper, zinc, manganese, fluorine and 40 other elements.

After passing the main gate and swimming pools, you can go to the Nine Dragons lake. One of the most beautiful species appears before the eyes of tourists: a white marble statue of Yang guifei, one of the four most beautiful women of ancient China, Lotus, exudes a fine aroma. The water reflects the halls Yichun, Chengshan and Fashoin.

Walking South, you can see the unique Imperial pool. Here are five more unusual pools. The Lotus pool is shaped like this flower, it was intended for the Emperor; pool Haitang used for concubines; pool Sanchi were provided to officials, Stellar outdoor pool, having neither walls nor ceiling.

This place is associated with one of the most famous and tragic love stories in Chinese history. Emperor Xuan-Zong began to avoid state of Affairs that may have been caused by his ardent love for the concubine Yang guifei. Some called her the Favorite Wife of the Emperor. The captain of the army, located in the North, revolted. The country for seven years in a bloody war. At the end of the confrontation between the army of the Emperor ruthlessly destroyed. The Emperor fled with Precious Wife and a small cavalry escort. Arduous journey turned into a nightmare. Rebelled escort the Emperor. The rebels insisted on killing Precious Mistress, which he hated for its power over the Emperor and blamed for the defeat. Hsuan-Tsung ordered the chief eunuch to strangle her. This historical episode was the source of inspiration for poets, artists and playwrights.

Also this place is known for the events of our times: the forced arrest of President Chiang Kai-shek of his generals, who demanded the cessation of civil strife and unite with the Communist party of China during the war between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan.

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