The Waterfall Uchan-Su Photo: Waterfall Uchan-Su"

7-8 km from the city of Yalta, inside the mountains, on the river Uchan-su is one of the highest in the Crimean Peninsula waterfall, called Wuchang-su. If translated into Russian language, it means "flying water" or "falling water". The length of the river reaches 8, 4 kilometers.

The river originates at a height of 800-900 meters on the steep slopes of AI-Petri plateau. In the upper reaches it flows through a narrow gorge. After two kilometers from the source, at a height of 390 meters, the river forms a beautiful waterfall, which consists of four steps. The height of each step, respectively, equal to 90, 15, 7 and metro. This thundering cascade of falling water between the cliffs with the resinous smell of the pines.

All the beauty of the falls can be enjoyed during flooding in spring when the snow melts on the AI-Petri. When water flows with a crash, fall from a ledge in the 100 meters, filling the air with glittering spray. It was at this point the waterfall can be called "flying" that justifies its name.

This waterfall is the source for water supply of Yalta. So in the summer we can see only a few small streams that bustling run down the cliffs. It happens that in the summer the river dries up and does. During the period from 1938 to 1946 the river was without water nine times.

Another picturesque mountain river – Yauzlar - found on the road leading to the Uchan-su. It also forms several beautiful and not very big, but no less lovely waterfalls.

In winter sometimes it happens that the waterfall freezes, and then it is transformed from a waterfall in icefall. And sultry summer when the water dries up you can see a sign playful as follows: "the Waterfall is not working".

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