Flower market Photo: Flower market

Everyone knows the love of the Dutch for flowers, because the symbol of the Netherlands is Tulip, the flower in this country is legendary. At the end of the sixteenth century in Holland appeared first tulips, and for 20 years have brought several hundred new varieties of tulips. In the early seventeenth century, the country experienced a "Tulip mania" - when everyone, from young to old, traded Tulip bulbs. Tulip bulb could give a dowry to the bride, be exchanged for a whole house or a large plot of land. In 1637, the market collapsed, many were ruined, and the country was on the brink of a financial crisis. However, this did not diminish the love of the Dutch for these beautiful flowers.

Street flower vendors offering their goods, floating on boats for many city canals, and from the eighteenth century, there are floating Flower market is the only one in the world. Now the Flower market is located on the Singel canal in Central Amsterdam, close to Dam square. On barges along the waterfront are dozens of shops where you can buy a variety of flowers and plants. Florists will offer a bouquet, according to your wishes. The flower market is worth a visit, even if you are not addicted to gardening is such a variety of colours in one place is hard to find, and don't be surprised if you see familiar flowers of unusual color or shape. If you are going to buy seeds or bulbs, don't forget to take the seller to export the certificate. Here you can buy different products for garden or Souvenirs.

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